Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Sabrina's Mommy Boot Camp Has Started!

Working for the school district here has been great! I get to see my 4 kids during a part of their lives parents rarely get to see. If I feel like giving them hugs (which embarrasses the boys to no end!) I get to! I Love That! It's also been a great way to help my body loose the weight I've gained being a Stay at Home Mom (SAHM). To this date I've lost 45lbs! That's pretty cool considering I was well over 200lbs to begin with.

I've had some medical problems and surgeries all involved with my digestive tract and their body partners...you know the typical you've got Crohn's Disease. Then put you on all kinds of expensive medication that you can't pronounce but have to take 4 times a day. Sure it makes you feel much better but you've got to take other pills to counter act the side affects of one then another to fix another side affect etc etc. But all in all you start to feel better. At this point I was in so much pain I was 1. Glad to get out of the hospital no matter how many flippin' pills I had to take. 2. Delirious because of lack of sleep from being in the hospital. 3. Still in pain. So I leave taking my pills and prescriptions with me. Agreeing to a series of tests to confirm said disease. Tests turned up negative. Huh! Go figure! And Thank GOD!!! A few months later I ended up back where I started. Back in pain! Can't eat or even drink water! I go in and Viola! I've got gall stones. Couldn't they have found those before with all the tests?

I find out that they have to do surgery to Remove my precious organ, that isn't so precious when you're doubled over in pain. Immediately schedule surgery while asking if they can just remove the stones. "No, we don't do that anymore." is the reply I got. Weird...and sad. 
They remove my gallbladder. Recovery was quicker than I thought. I was up and out of bed a few days later. Cool! Went in for checkup and asked when I could get back to working out, totally excited to be feeling better and seriously high on pain meds I'm sure! Only to be told I had to wait 6 weeks. 

At the end of 6 weeks I got the go ahead! Yay right?!! Try again! I started working out again only to discover I had ended up with a HUGE hernia in my belly button!!! I want you to know I've never seen the inside of my belly button! Not even when I was pregnant and ready to pop! This is seriously Grossing me out for one and actually hurt. So I go in and find out that it was caused by the surgeon and that I had to go in for yet another surgery to repair it...At my expense of course. You really thought the surgeon, hospital and nurses would do it because they messed up? Nah!  You must be high on those pain meds like I was. ;) 

I go through the surgery only to find that recovery time is way longer than I expected it to be. I couldn't walk for long periods, longer than 5 or 10 minutes for the first 2 weeks. So much for getting back to my workout routine. After literally 3-4 months of recovery I am finally able to walk around like normal people do. Straight backed! Not hunched over. I still have pain though, which is troubling but figure it's because  of scar tissue etc. 

This was all a bit irritating but I ignored it for the most part. After the operation I was able to eat normal foods. Cool! But so bad! I'd gained 20lbs from being so immobile. I also found out that even though I had my paining gallbladder removed I still was unable to eat things like breads (wheat in general), packaged foods really hurt my stomach, yogurt (weird I know!) and fatty foods. Ok, I'll deal as long as I'm not in pain. 

So a bit over a year later nothing has changed except I'm no longer over 200lbs. I still eat a wheat free, processed foods diet. It's hard when birthday's come around because I'm a serious birthday cake lover! But I pay for it when I cave...which is every time I see it! And we've just had a birthday here in the house. And it's been summer...and I've not been working. Did I tell you that working for the school district is cool because I get summers off? And I get paid too! Seriously cool! But unfortunately I've took the summer off. Literally! I haven't kept up with walking on the treadmill or jumping on my elliptical or even working out to my countless videos...NOT even walking to the beach which is only 2 blocks away! Can you say LAZY?! Yes! I'll admit it! I've been lazy!

To curb my laziness and the laziness I've allowed my children to emulate I've started Mommy Bootcamp here at home! Yesterday was the first day. We are doing a cool program, P90X. It's fun because every day is different. 

We worked out our Shoulders and Legs and did the Aerobic's routine. We being all 4 of my children, one BFF, and myself. Just over 2 hours of kicking, punching, weight lifting, squats, and some yoga stretches. Cool way to pass the summer morning isn't it! Not really...it's more like Sweaty Way to pass the Summer Morning. 

So this will be a 2 week thing with the kids...possibly continual with a few of them if they like the results. I'll fill you in on all the crazy stuff as well as the mundane...And yes! Photos will be shared! Weight loss/gains will be revealed! And even what we've eaten if you want! 

Oh! And just so you know, we're not following the P90X diet. I can't because of my eating dilemma. I am however having the kids eat like I do for the most part. They can have popsicles, cubed fruit or a sugar free slushy for desert. But they're not going to have banana splits with all the toppings! Nice try kids. It's hard for them to adjust. But they'll get there. And I'll love having healthy happy kids in return for the sugar depraved monsters I've had for the past couple days. ;)

My weight today: 187.4 
I'm short... 5'1.5". Yes! I have to get in that extra half inch. It's mine and I rightfully own it! 